RX Rescue: What to Do When You Lose Your Medication While Abroad

RX Rescue: What to Do When You Lose Your Medication While Abroad

In all the excitement of travel, some pretty important details can slip through your fingers, like where exactly your medication is. Did you forget to pack it? Did you leave it behind two rental homes ago? Or did you go against advice to check your prescription with the rest of your luggage, and your airline lost your bags?

Whatever the reason, missing medication is stressful. Luckily, there are ways to get essential medication while abroad. Here’s how:

Call Your Doctor

Whether you’re out of state or out of the country, call your general practitioner. Let them know that you no longer have your medication. They might be able to write you a new prescription and fax it to a nearby pharmacy, or they may even call a pharmacy on your behalf.

Call Your Travel Insurance Provider

Your primary care practitioner will have the most sway if you’re travelling within your home country. For international travel, you may get more help from your travel insurance provider. Depending on your plan, they will liaise with doctors and pharmacies to find out the best course of action.

You should also let your insurance provider know how you lost your medication. Your policy may cover the cost of replacement medication if the airline loses your bags.

If you didn’t get travel insurance, look into your credit card policy. Some accounts provide travel insurance that includes lost luggage coverage.

Go See a Local Pharmacist

If your general practitioner and insurance provider can’t help, you have no choice but go to a pharmacy in your current location. This is easiest if you’re travelling in your home country, but it’s an option if you’re overseas, too. However, there’s a good chance you will need a new prescription from a local doctor before they can fill it. In that case, you’ll have to visit a local walk-in or after-hours clinic for assistance.

Sort out Your Finances

An appointment at an out-of-network clinic and brand-new medication can be costly. Unfortunately, insurance can take a while to kick in, so you might have to cover these unexpected expenses out of pocket.

Finding extra cash during a holiday can be challenging. There’s a good chance you put your flights on your credit card and took out savings for your trip. Without these usual safety nets, you may look into online loans as an option.

Online loans are convenient when you can’t visit your usual bank to apply for help. Instead, you can apply for a quick cash loan using your phone or laptop anywhere in the world. If approved, an online lender can provide direct deposit loans, so you can replace your essential medication as soon as possible.

File a Complaint with the Airline

If the airline lost the bag containing your medication, you should file a missing baggage report that details your prescriptions. Most airlines provide healthy compensation for the items they lose. While it may be a while before you receive this money, it’s better than nothing. You can use this compensation to pay off your cash loan.

How to Avoid This the Next Time You Travel

Being organized can help you avoid ever having to deal with the stress of lost medication. Here’s what you can do next time you travel:

  • Make sure you have enough pills for your scheduled travel dates.
  • Make a packing list to ensure you don’t forget to add your medication to your bags.
  • Always keep your meds in their original containers.
  • Consider bringing copies of your prescriptions, keeping these documents with your passport.
  • Always store your medication with your carry-on.
Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen