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How to Make Sure Your Home is Safe When You’re Not There

How to Make Sure Your Home is Safe When You’re Not There

The Importance of Remote Protections

The world today is not the world many of us grew up in. While real estate has always been a very strong investment, these days, it’s one of the only real options you can trust. The thing is, economic realities are forcing questionable characters into nice neighborhoods. This has always happened to one degree or another, but things have compounded today.

People who are indigent feel comfortable enough in some cities to simply walk right in and take a nap. This exact circumstance happened in Portland very recently.

If you’re in a big city, you want to be secure. The same goes for small towns these days. Even rural communities are seeing notable shifts in economic topography. Following we’ll explore a few tactics to help you secure your premises.

1. Be Sure the Windows Are Secure

One area thieves often get in is through windows. Even locked windows can be “jimmied” with a little force in the right direction. Beyond forced entry without damage, some thieves will simply break windows. However, modern tech exists that can let you know the moment any break-in occurs through a window.

You can decide whether to act immediately, or contact law enforcement. Some alarms can automatically notify authorities. There are numerous options. Here’s a complete guide to alarm window contacts on Alarm Grid to help give you an idea what they are, how they work, and whether this is the right fit for your property.

2. Collateral and Direct Security

Beyond direct security through alarm systems utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, you might put some “organic” measures into place as well. For example, in a common pathway to or from your house, you might have an area of ground containing something which makes a big noise when stepped on. That way you’ll know if and when any person or animal approaches.

A good dog makes a lot of sense. Some homes use this method of security primarily. Find a rottweiler or a German shepherd. (The pup, not a guy with a staff who herds sheep from Germany—unless, of course, you’ve got the budget for that; an angry old German with a stick will definitely scare criminals, but can you afford him? Okay, this is a joke, but you get the idea.)

3. Fake Cameras and Fake Barking Sounds

An even more economic move here may involve using speakers and samples of dogs barking. You can use an infrared alarm like those for Halloween décor. Turn it on when you go to bed or when you’re away, if a thief gets too close, the recorded audio of dogs barking starts, and they run off. It won’t always work, but this move is really trending.

On that note, if you can’t afford actual security cameras, using “fake” cameras designed to intimidate thieves is also a good move. The link in this section is to an option combining both ideas. You can usually buy fake cameras cheap. Or, just get old surveillance cameras that no longer work, clean them, and mount them. Whatever fits your budget.

Safeguarding Your Home From Criminals

Security systems which include window alarms, a nice big dog, fake cameras, or recorded sounds tripped via infrared sensor all represent fine means of safeguarding your home. Also, locks on doors and legitimate surveillance are a good move. Go with what you can afford.

Different options work for different homeowners. Whatever your preference, these days it makes a lot of sense to assure your property is as secure as possible, whether or not you’re at home.

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