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Everything You Need To Know About An Egyptian Holiday

Boats in Hurghada marinaOver the last few years, Egypt has received a lot of bad press, especially after the Arab Spring of 2011 and the general instability in the area. However, it is a country that offers some of the grandest historical views, beautiful beaches and wonderful night life. Let’s take a few moments to see why Egypt holidays should be at the top of your travel wish list for 2019!

Egypt Is Safer Than What Many Believe

Because Egypt is located in the middle east, it is considered to be a dangerous country thanks to the Syrian Civil War, migrant crises and the ever-present Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While this general area is rather unstable, Egypt is quite a distance away from the turmoil. Egypt has always been a country that has thrived on tourism; Egyptians welcomed tourists with open arms.

Inexpensive Travel

The conversion rate of Sterling to Egyptian pounds has always been favourable. It is possible to pick up an incredible meal for less than  £five and even ride the Metro all day long. Another plus, you are always welcome to haggle for the lowest price possible – when you travel in Egypt, your money goes a long way!

This is the perfect time to travel to Egypt as the location has not fully recovered, so hotel and tourism package prices are at an all time low. In addition, the area is not going to be that crowded making it a picture perfect vacation!

A Foodies Delight

To put it kindly, expect to gain weight while on holiday in Egypt! Egyptian food is a pure delight filled with many flavors but never spicy-hot, making it an absolute joy to devour. Fava beans are one of the most common Egyptian foods which can be bought at any street vendor, and even corner store or fancy restaurants. There has been a growing trend in Egypt for restaurants to cook traditional street food in a cleaner atmosphere allowing tourists to enjoy this delicious food without the fear of getting sick.

Vegetarians are going to love Egyptian food as so much of the local cuisine is plant based or vegan. Koshary is a widely popular Egyptian dish that can be found throughout the streets and features lentils, chickpeas, macaroni, rice, tiny noodles, fried onions and tomato sauce. If this food does not make you feel good inside, nothing else will!

Incredible History

Did you know there is more to Egypt than the pyramids? For instance, you can travel on a jungle cruise along the River Nile and see thousands of years of history. The temples you will see along the Nile show an incredible history. In addition, there are monumental statues and columns featuring hieroglyphics that transport you to a another time and place. There are even some temples that have survived with colour still on the walls.

The most impressive temples you will see on this jungle cruise are Abu Simbel; two temples that were built in the 13th century under the watchful eye of Ramses II. In 1959, the Egyptian government was going to build Aswan Dam, which would leave this incredible temple submerged underwater. There was an international campaign to help save the monument, which paid to have it dismantled and moved over 200 m from its original position.

While Egypt is famous for its history of the pharaohs and pyramids, the islamic history and architecture of the area is just as interesting and impressive. While walking down the streets of Islamic Cairo, one cannot help but be mesmerised by the thousand year old walls featuring Arabic calligraphy.

Gorgeous Beaches

Just about every country on this beautiful planet swears to have the most beautiful and amazing beaches. But, Egyptian beaches really are some of the most beautiful in the world. One can take an afternoon and visit the beautiful Red Sea or the Mediterranean and have an adventure in the gorgeous corals or relax on the white sandy beaches.

The Red Sea is perhaps one of the most beautiful places to dive as it offers the greatest visibility and some of the most beautiful coral found anywhere in the world. In addition to this, there are two major advantages to Egyptian beaches. Considering they are located on a desert, there are no bugs! You will not find a single fly, mosquito or gnat. And considering that many of these beaches are miles away from the nearest city, they always offer the most beautiful horizon

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