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A Guide to Off Road Air Compressors

A Guide to Off Road Air Compressors

In Australia, we do a lot of travelling for both work and play, with many jobs and holidays being carried out in remote areas with little access to power. Therefore, if you’re travelling to a remote area, it’s a given that you have an off-road compressor on hand. People who don’t carry air compressors in Australia can potentially run into unfixable highway issues, risking stranding or a tyre and suspension damage. Naturally, this is the last thing you want when travelling off road. Therefore, we’ve put together a quick, yet detailed guide to off road air compressors to ensure you choose the right one for your vehicle.

Uses of Off-Road Air Compressors

The most common use for off-road air compressors is to re pump tires after they’ve been deflated to improve traction, to prevent tire damage and to soften the ride for you and your passengers while driving off road. In these situations, an air compressor can be used to reinflate the tires when leaving the trail for pavement or to adjust mid trail to adapt to the changing terrain. The other use is to reinflate a tire that’s been repaired when two tires are damaged, and you might only have one spare.

In addition, people working in remote locations, especially in construction and mining need to be able to repair important tools as quickly as possible. If a piece of equipment breaks down, workers cannot afford to wait for someone to come out and fix their equipment, which is why reliable air compressors are imperative.


One of the first things to consider when choosing a suitable off-road air compressor is to know exactly what you’re using the machine for. If you’re planning on using the air compressor solely to inflate tyres, consider choosing a compressor that is durable, yet designed for light work so that excess energy isn’t being used. In the same way, workers who know they’ll be using an air compressor to power heavy duty tools should choose a machine that has high pressure (PSI) and air volume (CFM) so that the tools can be powered accordingly.

Finally, it’s important to consider the type of vehicle you’re using. If your vehicle is powered by petrol, it is smarter to choose a petrol air compressor. In the same way, diesel powered vehicles work best with diesel air compressors. Not only are air compressors and vehicles using the same fuel compatible, it is also a cost-effective option as the air compressor can be powered from the fuel tank of your car.


If expenses are tight, it can sometimes be tempting to choose the cheapest off-road air compressor to save money. However, what some people don’t realise is that some air compressors are better suited to off road uses than others.

Generally, air compressors with a higher pressure and larger tank size are going to be more reliable and have more of a chance of holding power for an extended amount of time. Because the purpose of an off-road air compressor is to be used when power is not available, you need to be able to rely on your system at all times – and only a high-quality compressor will provide that.

In addition, the nature of off roading and remote work means that often, when a piece of equipment breaks down, it can take hours for help to arrive. Therefore, with the help of a reliable air compressor, off roaders as well as mine and construction workers can power their tools without having to wait for assistance.

Finally, as we all know, Australia is subject to some harsh weather conditions. Therefore, it’s important to choose an air compressor that can withstand this. Naturally, Australian-made air compressors are going to be made specifically to withstand the Australian environment, so it’s best to choose a locally made machine.

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