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5 Reasons Why You Should Go To Praia Da Vitoria And Explore The Island In A Car

5 Reasons Why You Should Go To Praia Da Vitoria And Explore The Island In A Car

Praia da Vitória, meaning Beach of Victory, is a major municipality in the Azores archipelago of Portugal. This beautiful town is located on the island of Terceira and extends from the northern coast well into the interior of the island. It falls just 20 kilometers northeast of Angra and is considered to be one of the most modern cities in the Azores.

Located in a large bay towards the eastern coast of the Azores, this stunning town boasts of long sandy beaches, a beautiful marina, and a pleasant ambiance. There are many exciting things to do and see in Praia da Vitória, and the best way to get around this town is to rent a car. You will find many cheap car hire options by contacting the many car hire companies in Praia da Vitória. From luxurious hire cars to budget rentals, there is something to fit everyone’s budget in Praia da Vitória. It is easy to compare car hire plans, and you can even ask a local travel agent to do a car hire comparison for you or try searching here.  Once you have a rental car with you, here are the top 5 things to do in Praia da Vitória.

1. Check Out The Praia Da Vitória Old City

This is the older part of the town, though you will be forgiven to think the city is brand new. This is because of the extensive restoration work done after an earthquake destroyed much of the older town. There are many attractions here for you to see – the Church of Mercy, the Church of the Mother, the town hall, and many others.

2. Vitoria Beach

This magnificent little beach is located very near to the marina of Praia da Vitória. With the welcoming golden sand, there are many exciting water sports on offer here.

3. Serra do Cume Viewpoint

This is one of the best viewpoints in Praia da Vitória. You get some of the most fantastic views of the entire Terceira Island from this viewing platform. You can not only see the beautiful town of Praia da Vitória laid out in front of you, but another unique view is that of numerous dairy farms and many pastures with cows grazing.

4. Miradouro Do Facho

You are in for a real treat when you visit the Miradouro Do Facho. You will need to park your car rental somewhere nearby as visiting the Miradouro Do Facho involves hiking up to take in the magnificent views of the town, the harbor, and the island. The hike up to Miradouro Do Facho involves taking some steep steps, so be prepared for the climb. It takes around half an hour to reach the top. The hike will be well worth the effort as you take in the scenic views from the top.

5. Check out the Historic Paços do Concelho (Town Hall)

The majestic Paços do Concelho or Town Hall is a must-visit. Located in the main square Largo Francisco Ornelas da Camara, the building is adorned with the Estatua da Liberdade, which is a monument dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the battle that took place on August 11, 1829. The town hall is a beautiful representation of the typical architecture of North Portuguese manor houses.

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